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The ancient Greek word “moira” refers to a portion of a whole, and the word “moirai” is used to refer to those who dole out these lots.  These apportioners, also known as the three Fates, determine destiny for all living things in mythology.  The role of the Moirai is to ensure that every being, both mortal and divine, live out their purpose as it was assigned to them by the laws of the universe. As such, the Fates are considered to be above even the gods in their role as enforcers of fate - inescapable.  The purpose of the Fates is one of justice, though, creating a natural order and balance in the world. 
Much like the three Fates, humans today are deciding the lifespans of other species, through direct actions as well as inaction.  This new natural order portrays humans as above all rule, directing and portioning out life and death as desired.  This photographic project is an exploration of landscape through the lens of myth.  It investigates the connection between humanity and nature through images that are at once genuine and constructed.  In this series, I have imagined a fourth Fate in the landscape, an indistinct Fate that produces imbalance in what was once harmonious.  This Fate interferes in the structure carefully planned by the first three.

the very ground shivered
sand and stones rasping against each other
whispers of distress rising
it told of something obscure that crossed upon it
a shadow unlike any cast by light
an emptiness that engulfs existence
Fate was decided as it passed
trailing wisps amongst the growth

© 2022 by Laura Greenwood

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