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Life experiences that evoke awe seem to suspend 􀆟me, holding us present in the moment, while simultaneously reminding us of inescapable connec􀆟tions to life around us. Resonance seeks to capture this sensa􀆟on of wonder and encourage curiosity about the world. In much of Western ideology, “nature” is an en􀆟tity separate from the human world. Yet, life is a network of all living organisms; there is no environment detached from human beings. As “nature” is a part of us, how do we, as humans, fit within the context of the world we inhabit? In this work, portraits of individual trees personify the forest. These sti􀆟ll photographs, on sheer fabric, allow visitors to visually meld with the environment. The flexible panels curve and sway as people move through the installati􀆟on, representi􀆟ng the vulnerability of organisms to the reverbera􀆟tions of human ac􀆟tions throughout en􀆟tire ecosystems. Video and audio present curated moments of reality to evoke the sense of awe I feel in the natural world. Slowing video stretches moments into minutes, allowing us to process ephemeral experiences more deeply. As we are unable to rewind, pause or replay 􀆟me in the physical world, Resonance provides a space in which this can occur – where moments of wonder are not lost, but persist indefinitely.

This work invites viewers to make 􀆟me to explore the environments we live within and ques􀆟on detrimental societal hierarchies that disconnect us from our own home. As our environment changes, understanding and cutil􀆟vtia􀆟ng meaningful relati􀆟onships with the world around us is cri􀆟cally important for our well-being. Developing rela􀆟tionships with flora and fauna fosters empathy for nonhuman organisms, building respect that in turn, can result in more ecologically viable ac􀆟tions. Ul􀆟timately, Resonance is about hope - op􀆟mis􀆟c in the confidence that humans can initi􀆟ate posi􀆟tive acti􀆟ons to live consciously and sustainably in a diverse and resilient world.

© 2022 by Laura Greenwood

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